Signed by Colby Donaldson.
- Season
- Number: 2
- Location: Queensland, Australia
- Days: 42
- Castaways: 16
- Dates
- Film: October 23-December 3, 2000
- Air: January 28-May 3, 2001
- Episodes: 15
- Tribe
- Type: Original
- Color: Green
- Members: Amber Brkich, Colby Donaldson, Jerri Manthey, Keith Famie, Kel Gleason (lowest placing), Maralyn Hershey, Mitchell Olson, and Tina Wesson (highest placing/winner)
- Rival: Kucha
- Day Formed: 1
- Namesake: Crocodile
- Fun fact: First to have deadlocked tie