- Season
- Number: 13
- Location: Aitutaki, Cook Islands
- Days: 39
- Castaways: 20
- Dates
- Film: June 26-August 3, 2006
- Air: September 14-December 17, 2006
- Episodes: 15
- Tribe
- Type: Original/switched/post-mutiny
- Color: Red
- Members
- Original: Billy Garcia (lowest placing), Cecilia Manailla, Cristina Coria, J.P. Calderon, and Ozzy Lusth (highest placing)
- Switched: Becky Lee, Candice Woodcock, Cao Boi Bui, Cecilia Manailla, Jessica Smith, Jonathan Penner, Ozzy Lusth, Sundra Oakley, and Yul Kwon
- Post-mutiny: Becky Lee, Ozzy Lusth, Sundra Oakley, and Yul Kwon
- Rivals: Manikihi, Puka Puka, and Rarotonga
- Day Formed: 1/7/19
- Namesake: Island in Cook Islands
- Fun fact: Only original to not have starting member representative on the jury